Reignite the flame or blow it out…

Every single day, every single moment something or someone changes in your life. Love can be the best thing ever known or it can be the worst, all depending on if you can work together. Especially in marriage, what every happened to through good times and bad for richer or poor, kinda shit. I have come to realize I can not change how someone else feels, but I can most definitely change on how I react to it. Usually if you have a deep gut feeling something is wrong nine times out of ten there is!!!! My life is at a stand still not even knowing on what direction I should turn. You can love someone with all your heart and sometimes they will love someone else just as hard as you love them, fair??? I think not. When your stressed out and you dont know what to do, well it is time to reignite that spark that was there so many years ago. Sometimes the man wants to save it and then again he may want the younger woman down the road, regardless keep your faith in God and work on you. We are only getting older. Keep your mind busy. Don’t try to smother him. In some circumstances some men know they have you were they want you and they just dont care and may tell you so as well. So keep pushing forward in this life. Keep your faith in God and be the best version of yourself you can possibly be. Till next time Always & Forever #loveneverfails Corinthians 13:4♡